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Sunday Dornford Lane Run

A delightful longer run, around ten miles, across the top end of the park, through the village of Wootton, almost to Rousham Gap, then south back to Woodstock. Runnable in all weathers, half on quiet roads and half on tracks.

Assuming a Woodstock start going clockwise, head to the green gate of Blenheim Park in Old Woodstock. Through the gate and go right, north past the Fisheries Cottage, straight on over the cattle grid, up the hill that curves left then right and on up the straight avenue, also known colloquially as sheep shit alley for obvious reasons, to Grim’s Ditch. The Ditch is now barely visible, but is believed to date from the Iron Age. Here turn right off the tarmac on to the old Roman road, Ackman Street, follow the fence on the left, past the Furze Platt abandoned farm and through trees, passing through four gates on the way. Another green gate exits Blenheim Park, passing the top end of the community garden, where fruit trees are grown, and to the A44, which is the main road to Chipping Norton and Stratford. Cross the road with care and take the minor road that curves round to the left, heading north again and avoid continuing to the right on Ackman Street. At a T-junction, turn right down hill to Wootton. The road runs along side the River Glyme and crosses it on a bridge. Climb the hill on the other side for around one hundred yards, then turn right up a track between houses that reaches a gate and becomes a footpath. Head up hill on the path to the next road and turn left then right, past the village cricket pitch on the left. The Glympton to Islip road B4027 is ahead, go straight across at the cross roads. Down a steep hill and up the other side, if in a group a race to the top might ensue. From the top there is a gradual descent past Woottondown Farm, the road swings right over the River Dorn and climbs a hill. Within sight of the main Oxford-Banbury road at Rousham Gap, a cross road is formed of the minor tarmac road and a track north and a farm road south. Take the road south (Dornford Lane), which is also part of Sustrans cycle route 5. After half a mile, Upper Dornford Farm is reached and the road becomes a track. Continue south to cross Ackman Street and the B4027 again. After a couple of hundred yards, just after the wood is entered, turn left on to Sansom’s Lane, straight across the Woodstock-Banbury minor road, along the wooded track until eventually houses are seen on the right side. Continue to the Woodstock-Shipton road and turn right past the open air swimming pool and the secondary school.